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5 Pool Game Ideas That You Can Share with Your Friends and Family

By Pools Above Ground
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5 Pool Game Ideas That You Can Share with Your Friends and Family

Pool parties are a fan favorite during summer – and any other season depending on where you live, or if you can access an indoor pool. Many families love gathering by the pool for barbecues and birthday parties (regardless of age!), and playing in the pool is much more than doggy paddling around the shallow end. Here are the great games to perform at your next pool party.

Mermaid Races

Mermaids are kind of in this season – so why not pretend to be one at the next pool party? In the game Mermaid Races, players hold their breath and swim, or race, each other underwater. It can be a lot of fun, and quite a challenge. However, for this game, be careful with younger children.

Noodle Jousting

We are all familiar with the super-cheap Styrofoam swim noodles sold at the stores during summer. Using an inflatable raft, two players will ride along with their ‘lances' to knock the other off their mount.

Shark in the Pool

While this is no more than a variation on the game of tag, it is much more fun to place in the water. One person is "it," otherwise known as the shark, and tries to tag another person to be the shark. You may not burst at the seam from excitement as an adult, but kids and teens will love this game of water tag.


The game of Popsicle is permanently frozen tag in the water (isn't every normal game better in the pool?). A player is tagged, and they must stand straight with hands above their head, much like a popsicle. However, this game adds a twist: players swimming underwater cannot be tagged and can tag frozen players underwater to set them free.

Pool Sports

For older kids and adults, it can be just as fun to play tag as it is to engage in a lively game of Ping Pong or volleyball. You'll need a light and floating table and small white balls (bonus: they float!) for Ping Pong, and a net for volleyball. It can be more difficult to move around in the water, so these pool sports are great exercise.

Swimming is one our common favorite pastimes, so it is only natural that fun games pop out of it. Gather your loved ones today, young and old, and play a game of water freeze tag until your fingers turn into prunes.

Pool liners are essential for both in ground and above ground pools. While they are a necessity, you should always take your time in determining which type is the best for you. Here are a few tips for picking a liner for your pool.

Types of Pool Liners

There are three different types of above ground pool liners. The first of these is called a uni-bead pool liner, which is also known as the J-hook liner. It is the most common type of liner for above ground pools. It is easily removed with perforated edges that allow it to transform into a beaded liner. They are also attractive because they come in a variety of colors and patterns.

Overlap liners are folded along the edge of the pol, extended over its wall, and secured inside the pool just below the top rail. Coping, or plastic strips, are used to make sure that these liners are guaranteed. It is a popular type of pool liner for most pools because it is less expensive due to its lack of design selection and its ease of installation. Lastly, there are beaded pool liners need a row of clips along the edge to secure the liner, and this ‘track' extends around the entire pool. This type of pool liner is more expensive in comparison and is harder to install. It can be worth it, if you choose, for a more uniform look.

Material Matters

There are four primary types of equipment to choose from for your pool liner. These include vinyl, fiberglass, plastic or concrete. Gauge measures vinyl pool liners; higher gauge means higher quality, which means a higher price tag. While you may be tempted to choose what is most aesthetically pleasing, quality should mean durability, sturdiness, and a long life.

When to Replace Your Pool Liner

While an average vinyl pool liner lasts anywhere from 8 to 12 years, they wear down even with routine maintenance. A pool liner will receive damage from pool chemicals and weather along the way. These liners are expensive, so know that there are a few signs to look for when determining whether you should replace your pool liner.

Check for cracks and deterioration. While one break should be addressed but isn't an emergency, several cracks could indicate a pool leak. Even when cracks are thin, water can quickly get through these tiny holes and cause significant problems for your above ground pool. When these breaks cannot be patched, you may want to shop for a new pool liner.

Look for fading or stains, which may be from problems such as algae or rust, rather than the regular chemical exposure. This fading means that your liner may be brittle, and cracks are the logical next stop. Wrinkles and stretching are another issues just as dangerous as cracks: once a liner is too stretched or wrinkled to slip out of place, it will not stay put and do its job.

Protect Your Pool

Regards of which color scheme or design you have in mind, remember that a pool liner has much more than an aesthetic effect. Vinyl is resilient, while fiberglass is quite flexible. Concrete pool liners last for many years but aren't pleasing to the eye. Understand your needs before you choose a design for your pool liner – quality matters most.

Shop Around

Always comparison shop pool liners before you decide on which one is best for you. Whether you need to consult an expert as to which type is best, or you just want to get a better deal, take your time to make sure that your pool liner will do justify its price tag and keep your pool safe and clean.

November 15, 2017